Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chanki's fanfiction

My fan fiction is based on Shrek and storyline is created by my own idea.

Once upon a time there was a kingdom called far far away and beautiful princess Fiona. One day it was lovely whether so she decided to walk in the forest but suddenly dark cloud comes along from East side of sky and dragon appeared. Princess ran away quickly as she could but she got captured and locked in the highest room of the tallest tower in a very big castle. Lord Farquaad is an owner of castle and he treated princess as a slave. One night, a small elf girl dressed in a frilly pink dress with a cheap plastic tiara on her long blond hair flies into princess room to rescue. They quietly passed Lord Farquaad's room but they must go through dragon's room which was next to exit gate. While they were getting closed to gate princess found box in rubbish bin. They decided to use the box to camouflage so that they could pass dragon's room easily but unfortunately dragon awaked and an elf and princess got locked up again. Many knights in the town heard this story and tried to save the beautiful princess but the castle was guarded by a dragon so each one was killed. Also, Shrek was preparing to save princess from evil Lord Farquaad and dragon. Shrek is a big ogre who lives alone in the woods and is feared by the town's people. Every people in the town thought rescuing princess was impossible but Shrek bravely began his journey. After 16 days he finally arrived at castle and he astonished by huge size of castle. Shrek decided to abandon to save princess so he was heading to the town but at that time he heard the princess singing. "This beautiful voice must be princess" whispered himself. "Oh yeah! I must go into that castle and find princess" he exclaimed then walked to front of gate and opened. Inside of castle was too dark to walk without lights. While he was searching for princess the dragon suddenly stomped forwards to Shrek. He got shocked and hides behind the cage. "What should I do..." he grumbled. He was looking around to find any weapons dropped on the floor then he found old rusty sword next to him. He directly ran to dragon and jumped to top of cage and threw his sword above dragon's head. Amazingly the sword stabbed through dragon's head and feebly fell to the ground closely followed by the tail. Shrek laughed loudly but this was just beginning. Lord Farquaad sets all soldier and creatures to kill Shrek and he got surrounded. He didn't know what to do. Meantime an elf saw this situation and flies to fairy - tale village and told to elf in village. They arranged army and flies to castle to save Shrek from danger. When they arrived they rapidly sprinkled pepper powder to Lord Farquaad's soldiers and creatures. Shrek also helped. Shrek and elf defeated Lord Farquaad's army and successes to lock them in the dragon's cage. Lord Farquaad tried to escape but it was hopeless. Elf surrounded cage to keep on eyes on soldiers, creatures and also Lord Farquaad. Meantime Shrek went up the stairs to find princess. It wasn't much easy as he thought. The castle was too big and it was like a maze. Too many rooms and corps all around horribly stunk. He finally reached the room which was at top of the castle. He paused few seconds then knocks the door. "Anyone there? Hello?" he whispered but no one answered. He gently opened the door and felt everything was stopped. There was princess wearing white dress laid on white bed. Shrek carefully approached to princess saw her face and kissed. She opens her eyes and asked to him surprisingly. "How did you get here? How about Lord Farquaad and dragon?". Shrek answered "You are safe now princess, the dragon is dead and Lord Farquaad is in the cage". Shrek hold princess's hand and came down. When she saw dead dragon and cage she was surprised and she stared
Lord Farquaad. Shrek shouted to elf "We need to get out of here as soon as possible". They ran to exit gate and locked gate so no one can enter or exit. Shrek and princess greeted to elf and safely return to town. People in town couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Shrek and princess are holding hands. At that night every people had a celebration and Shrek and princess married together and lived happily after forever.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

wei's Fanfiction

The twelve kingdoms

Disclaimer:  My fanfiction is derived from The twelve kingdoms,however, I do not own any piece of  it. The story may have similar setting, but totally different story. Try to ignore my poor English, and enjoy yourself.

Kouri, an unsociable and quiet high school boy, who likes painting very much. Since he was 11 years old, he lost his memory. All his family members could not forget that day, when this solitary boy who disappeared more than a year, and suddenly appeared in front of his grandmother’s funeral with naked body and long, long hair down to the bottom, also the fresh blood cover his whole face. He has been isolated by surroundings and people scared by him because of his notorious. ( He can curse people in death. ) It seems accidentally, but all the people died after they attacked him, even a small incident. Neither Unintentionally or deliberately, only one result : Death.

One day, a girl comes toward him when he is painting a picture which always come out in his mind . She asks “ Why you paint this picture, Is that meaningful to you?” He gives her a glance , and reply in a fairly plain voice :“ Sorry, I don’t know it has meaning or not, but it often appears on my head . I just apparently familiar with it . It reminds me something important but I have lost it.” The girl stares at him for a long while , but doesn’t say any word again.

Couple weeks later, the girl visits his home occasionally. Kouri is still painting, and this time the picture is more abstract and complicated. “I’ve heard you lost your memory . Did you remember something?” The girl speaks softly and lightly. “Not yet.” A really short and brief response with regular plain voice. Same as past the girl doesn’t stay long. AS she gets out of his room, a loud male voice speak up :“keep away from my brother, if you don’t to be killed.” A tall ,strong boy stands behind her with an anger face. She strikes for a few seconds and then steps away. 
Just as she leaves the house, suddenly, a strong sense of pressure towards her, a deep hoarse voice emerges behind her back with an awful animal smell“ Are you an enemy of Tai?” The girl is panic,her body is trembling. She loses her voice, can’t say anything. “Are you an enemy of Tai?”The voice repeats once more. “No,No… I’m Keiou’s friend .” “Kei? Kei”s emperor ?” The uncertain creature gone away instantly as it arrived. She takes a deep breath and sit down on the ground immediately, because her feet can not support her body any longer.She needs time to come over and release her fear.Time takes so long , even only half an hour, she just sit there,and doing nothing. But her brain is no less clear and sober than before. She speaks to herself “ Should I tell him something? May be he is another emperor in that fairy world.”She struggling for a while, and then she stands up against the wall ,turning around and going back to the house.

“Why you come back again?” Kouri’s brother asks her in anger voice again. As before, She passes him without a sound. Kouri is surprised too, but he doesn’t questioning just gazes at her with his puzzle eyes and waits for her answer. “I need to tell you something, something might relate to your lost memory.”She says with a feeble smile on her face. The girl starts to tell him a long long story, which she and her best friend Yoko had experienced an unwonted and bizarre adventure. An unknown land called “ Twelve Kingdoms”which is exactly the same as kouri painted in the picture. Her friend Yoko becomes Kei’s Queen. The girl tries to memorize their harsh journey as much as possible.Everything happened on the land : the natural life style, the monster, Kirin, the country, the rule of the world, the people , the language…anything she can remember. 

At the end of the monologue, she looks at his black puzzle eyes : “ I guess you might be an emperor of that world as my friend Yoko does, but I have no idea why you came back, and you Shirin is still following you .You probably  have a chance to be back to your country , Kirin will come here and take you home. So be patient, you will find your lost memory.I can’t promise you anything ,but I hope it could happen very soon.” Kouri doesn’t say any word from beginning , he lands himself in meditation. When he raises his head, the girl has gone.

From that on, she often comes to visit him, every time Kouri is concentrating on the same thing, painting his favorite pictures. However, he seems much happier than before.

----The End.

Louis's FanFiction

 it begins in the basement of the science and testing facility. Beginning of the movie is successful, what makes the God particle which is the source of all the objects. Vitoria the heroine of this story said the particle is antimatter. The energy of particle has TNT five million that can be blew the whole Vatican unless vacuum should be maintained in. However the particles are being stolen by thieves and they also killed Vitoria’s colleague and took his eye to avoid iris identification.

The pope is dead who was alive until fourteen days ago and to mourn the death of the pope many Catholics are flocking in Vatican City at the same time as the cardinals ready to hold a conclave to elect the next pope. The conclave is a meeting at which the discussions are kept secret to elect the new pope and it never finished until they reach to unanimous. However, a mystery video has arrived at Vatican City.

As follow the pope's death,  four people who are named influential cardinals elect a pope has taken with mistery video and it says they will destroy along with light. With this, the Vatican City asks for help to Vitoria and Rangdon who is a famous symbol scholar. After Langdon watched the video, he realised that the kidnapper will kill the each cardinal every each hour and also blow the stolen particle at the last minute. And he also found out that the kidnapper is a member of scientist group called the illuminati since the days of Galileo and they received the persecution. The group contains 5 elements such as earth, air, water, fire and one more unknown element. These elements became big hints to find the place the cardinals will murdered. Meanwhile, during the pope’s seat empty, instead of the pope’s position on the camerlengo the incident showed a favourable attitude helps Landon. The camerlengo is pop’s secretary on behalf of the pope. With camerlengo’s help, Langdon and Vitoria went into rooms of secret documents and get a clue. After a lot of happen, they finally found out that the first place is a church and arrived there about five minutes before the murder. But over time they walk due to a complex structure of the church one of the kidnapped cardinals has been killed with stigma which was first element the “Earth”.

Through a hole in the basement on the aura of a gloomy statue of an angel holding an arrow and Langdon recognised that the arrow leads to the next place of murder and the direction associated with the next element which is air. Finally figured out where the square was designed by Bernoulli. Quite a crowd standing in the square, waiting for the pope election results and could not find any hints regarding the air. While Langdon check his watch, he saw the bottom of the square and found the plate that called “breath of angel”. 9 o’clock bell rings and hear a girl scream. As the fighting between scientists and believers fought each other the girl found a dead body in the middle of the square while picks up her own doll. The second cardinal died with lung puncture and stigma on his chest which is second element namely “Air”. While Langdon is in the document room to find another clue, Vitoria figure out with camerlengo pope to be murdered by the man in the Vatican. Langdon was appalled to feel that he did not have time to do any further delay and found the third cathedral associated with fire. Langdon got there before kidnapper escape and the kidnapper shoot the all of people with Langdon. He could not save third cardinal but finally he saved last cardinal dramatically. He found the criminal who was carmerlengo who helped Vitoria and also save the whole Vatican City. The saved cardinal became new pope and gave Langdon a necessary material. Langdon and Victoria, they feels different with when they firstly met at the end.  -the end.

Min Sung's Fanfiction

My fanfiction is from Bethie M. W.s The Devious Diary of Mlle Daae.


Chapter One - Wandering Child

Daddy Daae did not die as a poor violinist as everyone believes. Quite the contrary, he left me to inherit a comfortable fortune that could keep a less ambitious woman easily contented for the rest of her trivial life. Indeed, this is how Daddy Dae always preferred us to live: simply, quietly, and poorly. He was very proud of his little girl's voice, but was too humble in mind to use any of his wealth towards furthering her singing career.

When my father died, I was sent to live with a fat, tidy woman who was all kindness and no brains. I thought of hiring a master tutor for myself, and continuing on to be the greatest, most celebrated soprano that this country has ever heard. I certainly have the god-given talent to do just that. However, I needed time to think. No one knows how much wealth was left to me. In fact, it's assumed I have nothing at all. All the dealings I had with lawyers and money handlers were handled in private, with the utmost discretion. The general consensus is that I don't know how to use money, as I have no money to use of. This worked to my advantage when pity compelled Mrs. Valerius to let me stay as a guest in her house for nothing.

As I mulled over my situation, I pretended to be so struck by Daddy Daae’s death that I could no longer bear the thought of singing without his guiding hand. This gave me the chance to collect my thoughts and keep inquisitive old women out of my business. No one is offensive enough to suffer a young orphan so gloomy.

I wanted to sing in opera house and I've always wanted to singer. Nothing could be more fulfilling than standing on a lighted stage in the most famous opera house in all of France, with crystalline richness of my charming voice.

For the first forty minutes of her visit, she clattered away all the details of petty people, their shoes, their spouses, and their scandals. I kept to my place in the corner, demurely occupying myself in decorative needle work. My interest was wounded when the troubles of Mr. Lefevre, manager of the Opera Populaire were made known.

Apparently, he was being troubled by some swindler that caused a few headaches in their latest production when a certain salary was not paid. The important thing was the opera house. To sing inside it would be a triumph, but to own the Opera Populaire! I took a care not to live on the thought in the Madame's' company for fear that my beating heart would sound some kind of alarm. They mustn't know what thrills are sent trembling over my frame at the prospect of such a masculine ambition. I know I have the sensation to accomplish anything. Why set my sights on something countless women have already done before me? I will not stop at owning the stage, but the whole of the opera house, down to the last chandelier crystal.

However, I had no possible way of attaining my goal. I have money, it is true, but I just have enough to purchase a little theatre. And there is the maintenance to consider. An opera house requires a hundred and more details to be sorted each day; all of which require plenty of money. To live as the grand lady I could be would waste my growing assets and suppress my dream before the fruits of my plotting could be successes.

The curse of my gender is another setback. No one is going to take a woman seriously who wants to own an opera house of such prestigious renown. I need a man to charm into my designs. A man with a titled position in society. A man with status, and money.

Opportunity came when my temporary guardian suggested I continue cultivating my vocal talent under the instructors at the Populaire. A little reflecting showed this to be the best course of action. I accepted with the proper hesitation for someone still suffering inside over the loss of her father, and was soon installed into the world of performers and directors, all of whose jobs will be mine to purchase and trade when I am the owner of this establishment.

Everything is working exactly as I anticipated.

I sing just well enough to remain a faceless chorus girl, and in the company's mind I strive for no better. I receive no censure from Mme.Giry for less than exemplary dancing, nor am I privy to the praise and commendation of a lead soprano. No one is aware of my incredible gift. The only one who could have told my secret is resting in his tomb with a collection of stone angels guarding his sleep.

Living in the dormitories with the other ballet girls allows me to live cheaply. My lawyer, ironically named Marcel Lamont, meets with me secretly whenever my monetary balances require discussion. I'm certain he believes there's reason to kindle hope for a relationship of a less businesslike nature, but the lad will continue to deceive himself as long as he serves a purpose. There is a constant flow of titled men who come to the opera, paying homage to the fine arts, and giving me no limit to my choices for unwitting benefactor. So far there are no outstanding prospects on that front, but my expectations are high.

I've determined to make an account of all the happenings concerning my opera house in case an alteration in plans is necessary. This diary will allow me to look back and be sure nothing slips past my notice. Lefevre must be watched. Carlotta, the leading diva soprano will be brought to her place in time. Sweet little Meg, who thinks me the dearest, most innocent child in this misleading circle will someday have the position she deserves and her mother has worked so hard for.

Yes, I call it my opera house. For although I play the part of roaming child, grieving in silence for a deceased father, I shall one day be the power and mind behind all the silly dolls I live among.

Mr. Giry is tapping her cane for the lights to be put out. I must remain the submissive child and obey at once.

Saryu's FanFiction


A distant voice was humming a repetitive tune. Something was strangely familiar about it... Closer and closer it got, and now he could recognize separate words: "Waaaalleee... Waaallee.. waake up.." A blurry image of an old black gentleman appeared in Wall-e's mind. Just like the one he once heard singing in the old TV while on his duty in the electronic sector of the landfill.The video was forgotten in the recorder and he accidently turned it on. Actually, that was one of the rare happy moments in his life as it was before... After that his memories became rather foggy... The gentleman had soft raspy voice and a brilliant wide smile. His teeth were incredibly white. They were so white the brightness almost hurt his eyes, and it kept growing and growing till the white shine almost fully engulfed him...

"Wall-e, wake up!"- the suddenly clear voice jolted him out of his blurry dream. The vision diffused, the rusted metal shutters protecting his eyes slowly slid apart, and there they were. Six beautiful shiny creatures dancing around him in circles. "Dancing is probably not the right word" - Wall-e thought. They moved in incredibly nifty but elegant fashion, almost levitating.
"Wall-e, you're awake! Thank goodness!" one of the creatures leaned over him excitedly and spark-kissed his forehead.


"Wall-e, you're awake! Thank goodness!" - Eve cried out, and the feeling of hopelessness was replaced with that of overwhelming joy. She spent hours and hours trying to repair and reactivate him, trying to fit all of his outdated archaic mechanisms in the right places, hoping she can reboot his memory and make him remember - her. His blank gaze planted uneasy suspicion in her mind though. "Do you remember me, Wall-e?"


Remember? The mere sound of the word caused him pain. All he could retrieve from his damaged memory bank was the memory of the accident, when the heavy platform of the holo-detector collapsed right on top of him, crushing his metal body under its enormous weight. That, and the olden days, of course, with him peacefully doing his work on the landfill, erecting monumental towers of compressed trash cubes. It was mostly an uneventful time, the steady routine of it only sometimes broken with a new exciting discovery of another artifact of humanity. What happened between then and the accident was covered in a cloud of dust. Just like the landfill was covered with a thick yellow dusty cloud every time another dust storm swept through it. That was his world and he couldn't remember the presence of any shiny creatures in it, and to be honest, he was simply too tired to dwell on it any longer. He replied with a confused smile.


"It was not necessary, Adam!" - Eve retorted to another robot's sarcastic remark in Wall-e's direction. She was a real masterpiece of a female probe robot, her self-improving skills were unmatchable, especially on the level of emotions. And now she was helplessly sinking into a cocktail of disappointment, anger and a new empty feeling that she has never experienced before. Adam was a robot of the same category, only with a few added technical upgrades which made him even more skilled and versatile than her. He had a list of directives behind his belt that made most Axiom robots look up at him with respect bordering on reverence. It was a pity that this admiration only fuelled his narcissistic tendencies even further. He knew he was good and he never missed a chance to flaunt his superiority. Eve hated it. After all, they all were designed and manufactured by humans. Now, Wall-e was different... She was stunned by his humble self-sacrifice and his tireless service to humanity, despite them leaving him alone on debilitated planet to clean up the evidence of their consumerism. He never sought recognition for following his directive. And he was irrevocably devoted to her. But now something happened, and he couldn't remember her anymore... What she felt towards Wall-e could be called 99% compatibility. Humans had another word for it, but sometimes they would misuse it too...

"Eve, come! The transport unit is here and they won't wait any longer. Forget that rusty thing, it's just a damaged robot." - Adam's dictatorial voice brought her back to reality. She didn't want to go. She wanted to stay right here, with Wall-e, and nurse him back to health the way he once nursed her when she went into hibernation mode. But she also couldn't give up her directive, that's what she was made for after all. Besides, she knew what Wall-e would have wanted her to do... She complied. A few minutes later they were well on their way to the least damaged sector. A place that was once known as Greenland, and now simply Sector GL-108. There was a lot of work to be done.


Wall-e woke up in the middle of the night. Something was bothering him. A sinking feeling somewhere in the centre of his cubic metal torso, that was rapidly spreading all over his body. It was a dreadful heavy feeling, and it almost paralyzed him. Something wasn't right. Wall-e stared at the garage floor for a few long minutes, and then it hit him. An unstoppable wave of memories flushed into his mind. Suddenly he remembered it all. The landing of the ship, the starliner, the directive, the plant, the struggle over Axiom's control... And Eve, his Eve, in the middle of it all. He replayed the events of last few days in his mind over and over.. Especially his parting with Eve. The kiss, the worry in her voice when she asked him a question, and his detached smile in reply. Could he even call it a "parting" ? Now he might never see her again... The dreadful sinking feeling suddenly returned with new strength.


What Eve saw upon landing in Sector GL-108 amazed her. She already heard that out of all sectors that have been cleaned up this one had most potential for plant growth, but this has exceeded her best expectations. In places the layer of dust in the air was so thin that she could see patches of beautiful bright blue sky peeking through. And absolutely no trash. Just the vast empty stretches of land and armies of robots, building and preparing fields for her work. The plan was to build huge greenhouses, different ones for different geographical zones, and breed as many plant species as possible, that will be later used in creating several artificial ecosystems. If Eve was good at something, it was agriculture. Her memory unit contained all information about biology, chemistry, ecology, earth science and genetics that humanity has ever acquired. And she loved plants.


The mountains of trash in sector CA-203 were shrinking day by day. It was a slow process, but Wall-e continued doing his job with seeming dedication, compressing the trash into small perfectly shaped cubes and stacking them neatly into towering pyramids. The sinking feeling that he experienced on the night when his memory came back never went away. Days and nights passed with him barely noticing the difference. In the old times, he'd collect interesting knick knacks he found in piles of trash, and store them on the shelves of his garage. He was especially fascinated by movies, music and electronic books. But now, since Eve left him, the old black and white movies and musicals gave nothing but painful memories. The only thing that still seemed to interest him was cubes of compressed trash.


The land in Sector GL-108 proved to be fertile and soon became the centre of all agricultural activities in the Northern hemisphere. Eve focused on her work with full attention and was she successful. In a few years her greenhouses came alive with thousands of plant species, everything from bryophyte and lichen to wheat, rye and corn. Some greenhouses were sheltering flowers - bushy rhododendrons and delicate orchids, glossy yellow-headed buttercups and fuzzy mauve cornflowers. Others housed deliciously aromatic herbs. And trees, all kinds of trees. Sequoias, baobabs, eucalyptus trees, palms, firs and cedars, and fruit-bearing apple, pear and cherry.... But her favourite one, a real treasure, was a little four-leaf clover, growing in an old shoe.
Every day groups of robot specialists were going out on expeditions, mapping the land and searching for new areas with low level of soil and air contamination. Once back, they would analyze data logs and photodocumentation for suitability of explored areas in terms of maintaining vegetation. 1300th Thursday after Eve's leaving Sector CA-203 was special. An expedition has just returned from CA-zone and something they discovered there stirred a commotion among robots. Many of them crowded inside the dataprocessing laboratory, their eyes focused on the hologram screen of the main processor. The crowd seemed to grow by the minute, robots murmuring indistinctly and exchanging puzzled looks. When Eve entered the room, all heads turned to her. "What's go..." she started in a questioning tone when her eyes fell on the latest image from Sector CA-203. In the centre of what once was a landfill there stood a colossal monument, a huge sculptural object built with millions of small cubes. Three gigantic letters standing like a memorial to undying devotion. EVE.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Toni's FanFiction

My fanfiction is from Tamora Pierce's Tortall Kingdom.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the character's or places, they are the work of the original author.

A Surprise Spar.

Josephine looked left and then right. Her blue eyes just peaked round the door frame into the hallway. Her ears were alert to any sound that meant someone was coming down the hall. With a sigh of relief her eyes and ears detected no one. Josephine stepped quietly out into the hall, locked the door behind her, and then raced quietly down the hall. Her soft leather training shoes made only a quiet flap sound on the stone pavers of the corridor. She stopped at the corner to the next hall. Listening carefully. When she heard nothing she peaked round the corner.


Josephine continued her quiet run down the next hall. At each corner or turn she stopped to listen. This slowed her down, but it was safer.

Eventually Josephine made it to the ground floor of the palace. Now she could relax a little. With the pages, squires and knights in residence at the palace, there were hundreds of people walking around with training gear on.

Josephine and her parents were here at the palace, just like everyone else, for the wedding of Prince Roald and the princess from the Yamani Islands. Her parents and older siblings were off for a brunch with family friends. Josephine had pleaded a ‘headache’ and her parents had let her stay in the suite.

Now she was dodging round people to get to the training grounds. The palace had several training grounds. Some were private for royal guests. Although Josephine was training with her cousin and the pages, she took the long way round. Passing by the private courts, she hoped to catch a glimpse of someone famous. She strained her eyes as she looked through the gaps in the screens that concealed the private courts. Yesterday she had seen Keladry of Mindelan.It had been her dream come true!

Josephine couldn’t believe her luck when she looked through the gap in the last private court. She recognised the tall brown haired woman fighting, wearing the blue, cream and grey of her Mindelan crest. Josephine’s heart stopped when she also recognised who Keladry was sparing with. It was Alanna the Lioness! The country's most accomplished and famous hero. The King’s Champion. No one could mistake the red hair and violet eyes. Not to mention her small stature.

Josephine watched for a moment. Holding her breath as the two moved around the court. Their blades a blur in the air. When they moved out of sight of her gap, Josephine cursed. She would have to sneak into the private courts. Josephine was able to sneak right up to the railing of the court. She watched mesmerised as the two female heroes fought.

What Josephine didn’t realise, was that the two fighters, although in a strenuous fight, were also aware of their audience. Including the small, young girl sitting on the ground under the railing. Both women smiled at each other at the rapt look on the girl’s face. With a silent exchange, they brought their fight closer to where she was sitting.

Josephine watched their feet move, always keeping a stable stance. She watched as they exchanged blows, the attack, block and parry moves coming naturally to both women. Josephine watched, and learned.

Suddenly Keladry missed her footing. Alanna took the chance to use her famous move. Her sword twined around Keladry’s like a snake and flicked the sword out of her hand. The blade went flying, landing inches from were Josephine was sitting. Without thinking, Josephine squirmed under the railing. She picked up Keladry’s fallen blade. It was heavy, as well as being almost as long as she was tall. Her arms straining, Josephine brought the blade over to the tall, brown haired fighter. Expertly she held the blade out, hilt first to the Lady Knight.

Keladry bowed slightly, taking her sword back. She studied Josephine. Alanna spoke.

“You know how to handle a blade child?”

Josephine goggled for a moment. The Lioness was talking to her! And then she found her voice.

“I know some. I have been training with the pages while my family is here for the wedding.”

“Shall we see what you can do?” The Lioness raised an eyebrow.

Keladry turned to the attendants and asked for three wooden practice blades. Josephine stood frozen, as the King’s Champion accepted a wooden blade and squared off against her. Keladry handed a wooden blade to Josephine. Slowly she accepted the blade, and squared off with the Lioness. When the Lioness attacked, Josephine’s body took over. All the secret training and practice in the dark in front of the mirror paid off. Josephine blocked and parried. Her foot movements confident and precise for each movement.

Josephine didn’t know how long she sparred with the Lioness, and then with Lady Keladry, each hero giving her pointers and tips. When a loud bell began to toll to signal lunch. The two Knights stopped, lowering their wooden blades.

“You do well girl. I would say better than most pages.” The Lioness said. Her voice stern. Keladry nodded. “What is your name?”

Josephine swallowed and told them. Both Knights nodded.

“Your brother’s have done the realm a good service. No wonder you are such a fast leaner with the sword.”

“You best be off Josephine. Your parents will be wondering where you are.”

Josephine nodded, bowed to the two Lady Knights, and left. She felt like she was in a dream. The Lioness had complimented her! Telling her she was a fast learner! Josephine was very late getting back to her rooms. Her parents would be very angry. And she would have to explain. But whatever her punishment would be. It would be well worth it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

KaTie's FanFiction


The format and the plot of the fanfic are extracted from the original story of “Snow white”, but the storyline is created by my idea. This is the crossover style. I mingled many characters from various stories. It will be fun to find which part is from which story.

Once upon a time, there was a queen who wanted a baby. Soon, the queen gave birth to a baby girl who had skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood. The parents named her princess Snow White. As soon as the child was born, the queen died.

Soon after, the king took a new wife who had a big head from the wonderland. The Queen possessed Pinocchio, a wooden doll that had the magic nose. Pinocchio answered any question, but if he told a lie his nose got bigger. The Queen often asked to Pinocchio "who has in the land the biggest head of all?", and Pinocchio always replied “You, my queen, have the biggest head of all”. But when Snow White reached the age of seven, her head became as big as the day, and when the queen asked her Pinocchio, it responded “You, my queen, have the biggest head of all”, but his nose got bigger and bigger. As the Queen insisted him to tell a truth, Pinocchio replied “Snow White has the bigger head than yours”, and then his nose stoped to grow.

The queen became jealous, and ordered Robin Hood to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. However, he found himself unable to kill her with a bow and arrow because he lost his eyesight by aiming to an arrow intensively, so he let her go, telling her to flee and hide from the Queen.

In the forest, Snow White discovered a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven smurfs – Hefty, Brainy, Grouchy, Dreamy, Clumsy, Greedy and Vanity, and she got a job as a maid for them.
One day, Vanity smurf asked to his magic mirror “Who has the biggest head of them all?”, and the mirror replied “Snow White does”. So Vanity smurf who was unhappy with the mirror’s answer told to Snow White that she must fill water to a big jar which had a hole in the bottom. Snow White tried to fill a jar but it was in vain.
At that time, the frog appeared and blocked the hole up with his body. Fortunately Snow White filled water to a jar due to the frog’s help, so she kissed frog as expressing gratitude and then the frog turned to a prince by coming undone of the spell. However, Snow White was too dirty to recognise as a princess so the frog prince left.

When Snow White cleaned the house, she received an invitation from the palace for the night party, but she knew she couldn’t go to there. Snow White kept cleaning an attic, and found a lamp. She wiped the lamp, and suddenly Genie came out from the magical lamp. He said “I can do everything you wish”, so Snow White wished that she could go to party in the palace.
In a twinkling, she wore a beautiful dress and the crystal shoes, and the carriage and horseman were ready to take her to the party by Genie’s magic. Genie said “Snow White, you must be back home by midnight”. In the palace Snow White was happy so she forgot the time.
Just before midnight Snow White was hurried to run out of the palace and she droped one of her crystal shoes. Next day, the order to find the owner of the crystal shoe was announced, and an officer reached to Snow White’s house nearly at night.
When Snow White tried to fit her feet into crystal shoe, she turned to Princess Fiona with a big and ugly foot by the curse that she changed to ogre at night. As Snow White’s secrete was exposed, she ran away to isolated Island.
At the seashore, Snow White met the little mermaid who wanted to show the castle of sea kingdom, so Snow White dove to see the Sea King and the castle. But that was a trick to take human’s liver as Sea King’s remedy. As soon as Snow White figured out their deception, she told a lie that she had left her liver to the house for keeping good condition.
They believed her, so she escaped the castle of sea kingdom and arrived the smurfs’ cottage dramatically.

Meanwhile, the Queen who realised that Snow White was still alive, disguised herself and visitd the smurfs’ cottage. She made a poisoned apple, and Snow White ate the apple and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

When the smurts found her, they placed her in a glass coffin.
Time passes, and Prince Charming traveled the land and saw Snow White. He instantly fell in love with her so he kissed her, but she did not wake up, so Prince Charming got angry.
He kicked the coffin, and ran away. Due to the sudden movement, the piece of poisoned apple dislodged from Snow White’s throat.
When she was awaken, the beast passed on near her. She misunderstood that the beast saved her life, so she kissed the beast and he turned to a handsome prince by coming undone of the spell.

However, the Prince Beast had already got married to the princess beauty , so Snow White left alone.

Sadly she never got married…

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Louis's 10 Fan Fiction Links

1. Harry Potter  Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is hosting 'The Triwizard Tournament' which is a magical tournament between three well-known schools of magic include Hogwarts. The contestants have to be above the age of 17, and are chosen by a magical object called Goblet of Fire. Even Harry is just 14, the Goblet spews out Harry's name with other three people. At the end, Harry being selected as the Champion of the tournament. The story about the tournament was the best part of the book from the whole series of the Harry Potter and I really enjonyed it. (Harry Potter)

2. The Da Vinci Code    The curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris is murdered with a number of mysterious clues, codes.  Robert Langdon who is the famous symbologist at Harvard, asked for help to solve the mysterious clues code and started to investige the murder with French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu. Langdon and Neveu get on a high-paced, dangerous adventure to discover the dead curator’s prior involvement in a secret society known as the Priory of Sion. When I was reading it, it was fresh impact of the religion. As I am a christian since I was very young and this book express the idea of christian religion in other way. (Da Vinci Code)

3. Angel and Demon A scientist is murdered at CERN in Switzerland. The dead scientist Leonardo Vetra has the word Illuminati burned onto his chest, and the killer has stolen a sample of Leonardo's latest discovery, which is highly explosive substance.  Robert Langdon recognizes the word Illuminati written and travel to Rome to find the murderer and the antimatter. This is Dan Brown's second book after the Da Vinci Code. I liked the Da Vinci Code a lot and but this book was even better. It was easier to understand and ending was more likely happy ending and I really enjoyed it. (Angels & Demons)

4. Narnia (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) It is set during World War II, at the time when London was being bombed by Nazi Germany. The story starts with one of the children who wanted to know if there was a way out of the back of the wardrobe. The story of a world under siege by the powers of darkness, only it is not Hitler who leads the attack but the White Witch. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe marked a return to a familiar Lewis theme. When I was reading it I mostly liked it however, it was boring at the some part of it. it was not 100% satisfied reading but the story is well organised it and I enjoyed it at the end. (Narnia)

5. Perfume In eighteenth-century the slum in France, the infant Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is born with an absolute sense of smell. As a boy, he lives to decipher the odors of Paris, and apprentices himself to a prominent perfumer. He becomes obsessed with capturing the smells of objects.  Then one day he catches a hint of a scent that will drive him on an ever-more-terrifying quest to create the "ultimate perfume that hauntingly powerful tale of murder and sensual depravity. This novel is one of the books I found hard to understand. The novel is not based on happy mood can be bored for first time but when I was reading it for twice It was really interesting story.(Perfume)

6. Sherlock Holmes In London, Sherlock Holmes and his partner Dr. John Watson captures the follower of black magic and serial killer
Lord Blackwood has killed five women and near to kill his sixth victim. Watson attests his death. However, Blackwood mysteriously returns from the afterlife and Inspector Lestrade summons Sherlock Holmes to help the Scotland Yard in the investigation. Meanwhile Dr. Watson intends to get married of the gorgeous Mary Morstan while Sherlock is visited by his former lover Irene Adler that has a secret agenda. this book is the best book I ever read. I never get bored with the story and I really enjoyed the movie too.
Sherlock Holmes)

7. Twilight (New Moon) In New Moon, Bella is 18 and making her desire to be a vampire for her boyfriend Edward. After her birthday party, Edward and his family suddenly leave Forks. The only thing able to bring Bella back from her depression is her best friend, sunny Jacob Black. She begins to spend most of her time with him. Still, even with her vampires gone, Bella can't avoid the paranormal.
For the first series, I watched movie first and It was good enough to lead me read the second series of the book. I was not use to enjoy the vampire story and this book was a first time to enjoy the vampire book and also movie as well. (Twilight)

8. The Lord of the Rings (Into Mordor) Frodo and Sam capture Gollum and convince him to show them the way to Mordor. However, he betrays them and leads them instead into a cave occupied by a giant deadly spider called Shelob. Shelob attacks Frodo and injects him with her venom, which leaves him paralyzed.Sam finds Frodo's body and mistaking him for dead, takes the Ring so he can finish the quest himself. Before he can dispose of Frodo’s body, a group of orcs come across it and recognize it as merely paralyzed. They return it to their base in Mordor. Cursing his stupidity Sam sets out after them. He rescues Frodo and they make their way across Mordor to Mount Doom together. Meanwhile, the armies of Middle Earth join forces. In a final desperate attempt to divert Sauron's attention from Sauron, they gather at the Black Gate of Mordor to engage in a final and fierce battle with Sauron’s army. Frodo and Sam make it to the fires of Mount Doom but Frodo's resolve fails him at the last moment and he decides to keep the Ring for himself. Gollum appears and fights him for it. He bites off Frodo’s ring-bearing finger and seizes the prize. (The lord of the Rings (into Mordor))

 9. Sex and the City  Mr. Big and Carrie buy a  penthouse in Manhattan and decide to get married. Enid Frick invites Carrie to take pictures for a special edition of Vogue about marriage of women of forty eight years. During the preparation, Carrie raises the guest list from seventy-five to two hundred guests while Mr. Big is intimidating  in his third wedding. On the wedding day, Mr. Big calls off the wedding leaving Carrie in the church. I never missed to watch the fiction since at the very begining of the story. I used to enjoy to watch the drama version but the Movie was even better. While I watched the movie, I felt like I am in New York and wanted to go sometimes. (Sex and the City)


10. Tomorrow, when the War began  Based on the first of seven books by acclaimed Australian author, John Marsden, Tomorrow When The War Began is the story of seven teenagers who return from a week-long camping trip to find that Australia has been invaded by a foreign power. it is a terrifying situation where they must sometimes use little more than a knife or a belt to murder a soldier. It's a graphic tale of the violence, the blood, the fear, and the insanity of war.These kids are underdogs, they're not going to win the war, they're more likely to end up dead in a ditch than send the enemy retreating, but it's their land, their parents and friends in prison camps. They give a damn and they'd rather die fighting than give up. (Tomorrow When the War began)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Toni's 10 Fan Fiction Links

Hi Guys,
This is my first dealings with Fan Fiction. So I decided to start with my favourite authors to see what was out there.

For this author, I found an extensive website that consists of fan fiction, character profiles, book reviews, fan art links and a bibliography of Hamilton's novels. Although this site only covers the novels and characters from one of Hamilton's series of books.
The fanfiction on this site ranged through the different characters, but most of them stay true to Hamilton's original story line. After reading a few of the entries, I realised that most of the fanfic authors struggled to capture the real essence of Hamilton's writing style. Despite this the entries were still a good read and it was interesting to see what other people think of the characters in Hamilton's novels.

This fanfiction website was very well developed. With a tally being kept of how many members, stories, authors and reviews made on the website. As with the previous fanfic website, this one focused mainly around one particular set of novels. The site was easy to use with a large range of fanfic.
The quality of the fanfic varied. And I admit I did not agree with the ideas some had for one particular character, but it was interesting to see where other reader's thoughts led them.
What I also liked about this website was that you could search for stories that were written about certain characters if you wished. From this I was able to see that there were quite a few similar plot lines favoured by most of the fanfic authors.

Interestingly, I found out that this was the only fanfiction website Lackey has allowed. Fanfiction can only be published on this site, and signing up applications have to be posted to Lackey. The site also consisted of role playing persona's as well as lots of other features.
The fanfiction was interesting, as many authors made up new characters to add along side the original characters, rather than writing new stories about the original characters. The level of writing was high. As all the work posted is edited and looked over by Lackey.

After looking through my favourite author's fanfiction, I then moved on to tv series.

I liked this website as it was well maintained with an extensive search feature to track down a specific story line or character.
I found the fanfic authors varied greatly here. Some wrote stories that read more like a screen play, while others were a full blown short story, including giving background information about the characters and their surroundings. The writing standard is high with these stories. And except for the character's names and the setting, they could almost be original stories.

For this tv series there were a lot of fanfiction sites to choose from. I believe this is because the show only ran for two seasons and left lots of things unsaid and unfinished.
I liked this site, as the main fanfiction author, Valjean, has written his stories from the perspective of Alec, rather than the main character Max. After reading a few of his stories I had to force myself to stop. The plot flowed well, and the portrayal of Alec, I believed was very real and truthful to the original tv series.
Valjean also had links to several other websites that he writes fanfiction for, mostly other tv programs. I believe this is a common feature of fanfiction writers to write fanfiction for more than one topic/genre.

This website contained fanfiction, among other things on the popular tv series, Charmed. This was another tv series were I was able to find several fanfiction websites for. I liked this website the best as it was easy to use, had photos and colours which made it more interesting to use, and the quality of the stories was interesting. It may not have had as large a range of stories as other websites, but the stories were intriguing and had different plot lines to other fanfiction stories. The standard of writing varied, and so I found some stories more enjoyable than others.  

This was another fan website which was interesting to look at and contained additional features, like a time line of events.
The fan fiction in this web site is solely written by the Roswell Oracle. They have written extensively, with several different plot lines, with multiple chapters. The stories are a quick read, with more attention to dialogue than to description. Despite this the stories are interesting as they continue on were the tv show left off. The author also and focused on more than one character, and switched point of view adequately. This showed depth and understanding of the characters, as well as showing what the author thought the characters  motivation was.

I found this site interesting as the authors and plot lines varied greatly. It was fun to read through different points of views as well as seeing what other people interpreted the character's motivation as. 
I found one story involving Lance Sweets. The story was about him but contained nothing related to the rest of the characters on the Bones tv series. But bearing in mind, the story has only just started.  Most of the stories on the website were short, or had only just been started.
The writing standard for the stories I read was high, with developed characters, good plot lines and a flowing writing style.

I then decided to have a look at some fanficion about movies.

I enjoyed this fanfiction, as the setting was exactly the same as in the movie, although the character and plot line was different. Having the setting the same as the movie made it easier to place the characters and made it easier to picture what the glass house looked like, as the author didn't spend a lot of time on description.  I believe the author could have done a lot more with the story, more description, and there were holes in the plot line and sequence of events. As well as developing the characters more. Overall though, it was an interesting piece and I was encouraged to read more than just the first chapter.

This website contained links to several different fanfic authors. The actual website is more of a fan site where more than just story links get posted but I found that added to the stories to have the odd picture and comment from the other authors. 
Some of the stories I read were a little confusing as they depended on the reader remembering who each character was, with the unusual German names. The author's writing was good though, and I still found the stories interesting even if I couldn't picture the characters very clearly. 
The writing standard was high. With the author's having written frequently and probably having written other fanfiction as well.

I found the stories written here interesting, as they were written from the grandmother, the Queen of Genovia. It was a change to read the story from her point of view with the hard decisions she had to make. They were short pieces but added depth to the grandmother's character that was missing in the movies. It was interesting to see how things would have played out if her romance with the body guard and started and continued earlier. 
The fanfiction author also changed some of the events that happened but this didn't detract from the stories. The writing standard was average, with the stories being a bit cliche to the romance genre.