Thursday, August 12, 2010

KaTie's FanFiction


The format and the plot of the fanfic are extracted from the original story of “Snow white”, but the storyline is created by my idea. This is the crossover style. I mingled many characters from various stories. It will be fun to find which part is from which story.

Once upon a time, there was a queen who wanted a baby. Soon, the queen gave birth to a baby girl who had skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood. The parents named her princess Snow White. As soon as the child was born, the queen died.

Soon after, the king took a new wife who had a big head from the wonderland. The Queen possessed Pinocchio, a wooden doll that had the magic nose. Pinocchio answered any question, but if he told a lie his nose got bigger. The Queen often asked to Pinocchio "who has in the land the biggest head of all?", and Pinocchio always replied “You, my queen, have the biggest head of all”. But when Snow White reached the age of seven, her head became as big as the day, and when the queen asked her Pinocchio, it responded “You, my queen, have the biggest head of all”, but his nose got bigger and bigger. As the Queen insisted him to tell a truth, Pinocchio replied “Snow White has the bigger head than yours”, and then his nose stoped to grow.

The queen became jealous, and ordered Robin Hood to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. However, he found himself unable to kill her with a bow and arrow because he lost his eyesight by aiming to an arrow intensively, so he let her go, telling her to flee and hide from the Queen.

In the forest, Snow White discovered a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven smurfs – Hefty, Brainy, Grouchy, Dreamy, Clumsy, Greedy and Vanity, and she got a job as a maid for them.
One day, Vanity smurf asked to his magic mirror “Who has the biggest head of them all?”, and the mirror replied “Snow White does”. So Vanity smurf who was unhappy with the mirror’s answer told to Snow White that she must fill water to a big jar which had a hole in the bottom. Snow White tried to fill a jar but it was in vain.
At that time, the frog appeared and blocked the hole up with his body. Fortunately Snow White filled water to a jar due to the frog’s help, so she kissed frog as expressing gratitude and then the frog turned to a prince by coming undone of the spell. However, Snow White was too dirty to recognise as a princess so the frog prince left.

When Snow White cleaned the house, she received an invitation from the palace for the night party, but she knew she couldn’t go to there. Snow White kept cleaning an attic, and found a lamp. She wiped the lamp, and suddenly Genie came out from the magical lamp. He said “I can do everything you wish”, so Snow White wished that she could go to party in the palace.
In a twinkling, she wore a beautiful dress and the crystal shoes, and the carriage and horseman were ready to take her to the party by Genie’s magic. Genie said “Snow White, you must be back home by midnight”. In the palace Snow White was happy so she forgot the time.
Just before midnight Snow White was hurried to run out of the palace and she droped one of her crystal shoes. Next day, the order to find the owner of the crystal shoe was announced, and an officer reached to Snow White’s house nearly at night.
When Snow White tried to fit her feet into crystal shoe, she turned to Princess Fiona with a big and ugly foot by the curse that she changed to ogre at night. As Snow White’s secrete was exposed, she ran away to isolated Island.
At the seashore, Snow White met the little mermaid who wanted to show the castle of sea kingdom, so Snow White dove to see the Sea King and the castle. But that was a trick to take human’s liver as Sea King’s remedy. As soon as Snow White figured out their deception, she told a lie that she had left her liver to the house for keeping good condition.
They believed her, so she escaped the castle of sea kingdom and arrived the smurfs’ cottage dramatically.

Meanwhile, the Queen who realised that Snow White was still alive, disguised herself and visitd the smurfs’ cottage. She made a poisoned apple, and Snow White ate the apple and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

When the smurts found her, they placed her in a glass coffin.
Time passes, and Prince Charming traveled the land and saw Snow White. He instantly fell in love with her so he kissed her, but she did not wake up, so Prince Charming got angry.
He kicked the coffin, and ran away. Due to the sudden movement, the piece of poisoned apple dislodged from Snow White’s throat.
When she was awaken, the beast passed on near her. She misunderstood that the beast saved her life, so she kissed the beast and he turned to a handsome prince by coming undone of the spell.

However, the Prince Beast had already got married to the princess beauty , so Snow White left alone.

Sadly she never got married…


  1. Well, what can I say.. This was one of the most hilarious things I've read while studying this paper. Very bold and very original decision to weave many famous classics into one sidesplitting story. I was chuckling from the very beginning while reading your creation, but the liver-snatching conspiracy was the last drop, from then on I just couldn't stop laughing. Poor Snow White, heartbreaks and mishaps on every corner. I really liked the surprise factor in your story, the comical events in Snow White's adventure were unpredictable, I certainly wasn't bored while reading. My favourite moment would be Prince Charming kicking the glass coffin in frustration, I could just see his annoyed expression in my head. There was one place though that confused me a bit. I couldn't understand Vanity the Smurf's interest in other people's head sizes and why the magic mirror's reply was so distressing to him. Can it be because from the very start the story set the Queen of Heart's disproportionately large head as the epitome of beauty? Maybe a little bit more insight into Vanity's thinking process could clarify that. Could I also suggest that correcting English grammar in a few places would make the story much easier to read. I think the plot has great potential, I wish we didn't have a 1000 word limit and you could develop this further. It's an imaginative tragicomedy. But the comical side is the winner. Great story, well done!

  2. Thanks for your comment.
    For Vanity smurf... I knew that part was not necessary, but I needed new character to put the story of "Frog prince". Also, as you said I had to match my plot to the beginning of the story for the Queen's big head-
    English grammar.. what can I say?? I have to work on it hard... It will take a time to improve prominently... Hohoho..
    Anyway, I am happy that you enjoyed reading my fanfiction.

  3. Its a great story. I too laughed throughout. I loved how you mixed all the different fairytales/disney stories together. Very creative and original. :)
    As Elena said. working on your English grammar would make the story flow easier/easier to read. But otherwise I really enjoyed your story. Good work.

  4. It was great fan fiction
    your idea and creation were good
    Good Work

  5. your idea was good and it is very interesting

    good job !

  6. Well... Amazing job, how could you link them all together? I can't believe it. You have really good imagination. It reminds me about my early childhood.I won't pick out your tiny mistake, I'm astonished your story, so just ignore others.

  7. Thanks, wei... I am glad that you encouraged me. ^^
