Saturday, August 14, 2010

Toni's FanFiction

My fanfiction is from Tamora Pierce's Tortall Kingdom.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the character's or places, they are the work of the original author.

A Surprise Spar.

Josephine looked left and then right. Her blue eyes just peaked round the door frame into the hallway. Her ears were alert to any sound that meant someone was coming down the hall. With a sigh of relief her eyes and ears detected no one. Josephine stepped quietly out into the hall, locked the door behind her, and then raced quietly down the hall. Her soft leather training shoes made only a quiet flap sound on the stone pavers of the corridor. She stopped at the corner to the next hall. Listening carefully. When she heard nothing she peaked round the corner.


Josephine continued her quiet run down the next hall. At each corner or turn she stopped to listen. This slowed her down, but it was safer.

Eventually Josephine made it to the ground floor of the palace. Now she could relax a little. With the pages, squires and knights in residence at the palace, there were hundreds of people walking around with training gear on.

Josephine and her parents were here at the palace, just like everyone else, for the wedding of Prince Roald and the princess from the Yamani Islands. Her parents and older siblings were off for a brunch with family friends. Josephine had pleaded a ‘headache’ and her parents had let her stay in the suite.

Now she was dodging round people to get to the training grounds. The palace had several training grounds. Some were private for royal guests. Although Josephine was training with her cousin and the pages, she took the long way round. Passing by the private courts, she hoped to catch a glimpse of someone famous. She strained her eyes as she looked through the gaps in the screens that concealed the private courts. Yesterday she had seen Keladry of Mindelan.It had been her dream come true!

Josephine couldn’t believe her luck when she looked through the gap in the last private court. She recognised the tall brown haired woman fighting, wearing the blue, cream and grey of her Mindelan crest. Josephine’s heart stopped when she also recognised who Keladry was sparing with. It was Alanna the Lioness! The country's most accomplished and famous hero. The King’s Champion. No one could mistake the red hair and violet eyes. Not to mention her small stature.

Josephine watched for a moment. Holding her breath as the two moved around the court. Their blades a blur in the air. When they moved out of sight of her gap, Josephine cursed. She would have to sneak into the private courts. Josephine was able to sneak right up to the railing of the court. She watched mesmerised as the two female heroes fought.

What Josephine didn’t realise, was that the two fighters, although in a strenuous fight, were also aware of their audience. Including the small, young girl sitting on the ground under the railing. Both women smiled at each other at the rapt look on the girl’s face. With a silent exchange, they brought their fight closer to where she was sitting.

Josephine watched their feet move, always keeping a stable stance. She watched as they exchanged blows, the attack, block and parry moves coming naturally to both women. Josephine watched, and learned.

Suddenly Keladry missed her footing. Alanna took the chance to use her famous move. Her sword twined around Keladry’s like a snake and flicked the sword out of her hand. The blade went flying, landing inches from were Josephine was sitting. Without thinking, Josephine squirmed under the railing. She picked up Keladry’s fallen blade. It was heavy, as well as being almost as long as she was tall. Her arms straining, Josephine brought the blade over to the tall, brown haired fighter. Expertly she held the blade out, hilt first to the Lady Knight.

Keladry bowed slightly, taking her sword back. She studied Josephine. Alanna spoke.

“You know how to handle a blade child?”

Josephine goggled for a moment. The Lioness was talking to her! And then she found her voice.

“I know some. I have been training with the pages while my family is here for the wedding.”

“Shall we see what you can do?” The Lioness raised an eyebrow.

Keladry turned to the attendants and asked for three wooden practice blades. Josephine stood frozen, as the King’s Champion accepted a wooden blade and squared off against her. Keladry handed a wooden blade to Josephine. Slowly she accepted the blade, and squared off with the Lioness. When the Lioness attacked, Josephine’s body took over. All the secret training and practice in the dark in front of the mirror paid off. Josephine blocked and parried. Her foot movements confident and precise for each movement.

Josephine didn’t know how long she sparred with the Lioness, and then with Lady Keladry, each hero giving her pointers and tips. When a loud bell began to toll to signal lunch. The two Knights stopped, lowering their wooden blades.

“You do well girl. I would say better than most pages.” The Lioness said. Her voice stern. Keladry nodded. “What is your name?”

Josephine swallowed and told them. Both Knights nodded.

“Your brother’s have done the realm a good service. No wonder you are such a fast leaner with the sword.”

“You best be off Josephine. Your parents will be wondering where you are.”

Josephine nodded, bowed to the two Lady Knights, and left. She felt like she was in a dream. The Lioness had complimented her! Telling her she was a fast learner! Josephine was very late getting back to her rooms. Her parents would be very angry. And she would have to explain. But whatever her punishment would be. It would be well worth it.


  1. I am sorry that I haven't read this book...
    so I have no idea what the part of your creation is. I mean I don't know whether you create a new character or plot, but your fanfic is easy to understand and read.

  2. It was interesting.
    However, I have not read this book so I don't know what you have changed from orinal story or your creation, but I like your fanfiction.

  3. same as me... I havent read this book yet.. but it was amazing story!

  4. Thanks guys. The main character was a character I created and Keladry and Alanna are characters that the books are about.

  5. I haven't read the book either, but the story was interesting to read anyway. It really turned my imagination on, I could just feel Josephine's excitement, and was even excited for her when the two sparring ladies noticed her presence and decided to bestow a special favour upon her, but she was still unaware of it. Excellent story, congrats :)

  6. Its a great story. your idea and creation were good well done !

  7. Wow.. Sounds dream come true.I didn't know any of the character, but this fanfic is interesting,especial fighting sight.
