Sunday, August 15, 2010

wei's Fanfiction

The twelve kingdoms

Disclaimer:  My fanfiction is derived from The twelve kingdoms,however, I do not own any piece of  it. The story may have similar setting, but totally different story. Try to ignore my poor English, and enjoy yourself.

Kouri, an unsociable and quiet high school boy, who likes painting very much. Since he was 11 years old, he lost his memory. All his family members could not forget that day, when this solitary boy who disappeared more than a year, and suddenly appeared in front of his grandmother’s funeral with naked body and long, long hair down to the bottom, also the fresh blood cover his whole face. He has been isolated by surroundings and people scared by him because of his notorious. ( He can curse people in death. ) It seems accidentally, but all the people died after they attacked him, even a small incident. Neither Unintentionally or deliberately, only one result : Death.

One day, a girl comes toward him when he is painting a picture which always come out in his mind . She asks “ Why you paint this picture, Is that meaningful to you?” He gives her a glance , and reply in a fairly plain voice :“ Sorry, I don’t know it has meaning or not, but it often appears on my head . I just apparently familiar with it . It reminds me something important but I have lost it.” The girl stares at him for a long while , but doesn’t say any word again.

Couple weeks later, the girl visits his home occasionally. Kouri is still painting, and this time the picture is more abstract and complicated. “I’ve heard you lost your memory . Did you remember something?” The girl speaks softly and lightly. “Not yet.” A really short and brief response with regular plain voice. Same as past the girl doesn’t stay long. AS she gets out of his room, a loud male voice speak up :“keep away from my brother, if you don’t to be killed.” A tall ,strong boy stands behind her with an anger face. She strikes for a few seconds and then steps away. 
Just as she leaves the house, suddenly, a strong sense of pressure towards her, a deep hoarse voice emerges behind her back with an awful animal smell“ Are you an enemy of Tai?” The girl is panic,her body is trembling. She loses her voice, can’t say anything. “Are you an enemy of Tai?”The voice repeats once more. “No,No… I’m Keiou’s friend .” “Kei? Kei”s emperor ?” The uncertain creature gone away instantly as it arrived. She takes a deep breath and sit down on the ground immediately, because her feet can not support her body any longer.She needs time to come over and release her fear.Time takes so long , even only half an hour, she just sit there,and doing nothing. But her brain is no less clear and sober than before. She speaks to herself “ Should I tell him something? May be he is another emperor in that fairy world.”She struggling for a while, and then she stands up against the wall ,turning around and going back to the house.

“Why you come back again?” Kouri’s brother asks her in anger voice again. As before, She passes him without a sound. Kouri is surprised too, but he doesn’t questioning just gazes at her with his puzzle eyes and waits for her answer. “I need to tell you something, something might relate to your lost memory.”She says with a feeble smile on her face. The girl starts to tell him a long long story, which she and her best friend Yoko had experienced an unwonted and bizarre adventure. An unknown land called “ Twelve Kingdoms”which is exactly the same as kouri painted in the picture. Her friend Yoko becomes Kei’s Queen. The girl tries to memorize their harsh journey as much as possible.Everything happened on the land : the natural life style, the monster, Kirin, the country, the rule of the world, the people , the language…anything she can remember. 

At the end of the monologue, she looks at his black puzzle eyes : “ I guess you might be an emperor of that world as my friend Yoko does, but I have no idea why you came back, and you Shirin is still following you .You probably  have a chance to be back to your country , Kirin will come here and take you home. So be patient, you will find your lost memory.I can’t promise you anything ,but I hope it could happen very soon.” Kouri doesn’t say any word from beginning , he lands himself in meditation. When he raises his head, the girl has gone.

From that on, she often comes to visit him, every time Kouri is concentrating on the same thing, painting his favorite pictures. However, he seems much happier than before.

----The End.


  1. well...Final the final ,I finish it. Writing is my nightmare. Compare to original work,the story has been changed a lot. I didn't make any beautiful sentence, my english level is not allowed to. perhaps in my first language it would be much better.but....just by the way...I hope you can understand my story and enjoy your reading without frowning at my grammar...

  2. kk.. I think your fanfiction is ok. I am sure that this is for the ability of the creation, not the English grammar. ^^
